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Burn up all firewood before snakes become active in spring. Consider eliminating decorative landscape ponds and bird nest boxes, both of which can attract snakes. After removing snake habitat, snake repellent can help keep them away. A water source such as a decorative landscape pond, or even a low spot that holds water after rain, seals the deal.

These are not typical situations, and rattlesnakes being found inside homes is also atypical. Perhaps the greatest potential source of shelter for snakes on any property is the house itself. It doesn’t take much for a rodent to get into a faulty foundation, dig under patio pavers, or otherwise create access for snakes to move in. Any space where animals can get access to stay out of the heat should be considered a possible snake hiding spot. Other common situations are plastic tool sheds and pool toy boxes that are stored on dirt.
What month do snakes come out?
They are most active in early morning and late afternoon, as summer temperatures are often too hot for them to be out in during the hottest times of day. Snake activity will pick back up again in late summer and early fall before they go into hibernation or brumation. Brumation is more common in southern states where the climate is warmer and snow is less likely.
Even a nonvenomous snakebite is painful and can lead to infection or illness. If there is a concern about snakes or snake holes on the property, the first course of action is to eliminate what attracts them. Be careful when applying snake repellent for the first time because if garden, bull, or even rattlesnakes are in the vicinity, they may become more agitated and aggressive. Keep people and pets away during and immediately after treatment to avoid encounters with snakes.
Trap the Snakes and Release Them Somewhere Else
There's nothing like a fire on a cool winter night, but that wood pile can become a problem when the outside temperatures begin to warm. Vandeventer said keeping all snakes away from your home is really not possible, but there are many steps that can be taken to make your lawn less attractive to snakes. You can also use glue-based traps, which are a humane way to get rid of snakes in your home. To keep snakes out of your basement or crawl space, seal those damp, cool entry points!
Since rodents are their favorite, they tend to stay around where they can easily find rodents to feed on. If you are lucky enough to find the snake, what you need to do is force it to enter either a container or a bag where you are quite sure it can't escape from using a long tool. Once you’ve noticed that it has safely entered the bag, close it up, and take it to any animal control close to you. On the other hand, if you were unable to find the snake, all you need to do is set a plastic trap in your attic. This is the safest and best possible way to catch snakes in your attic, but you will have to be inspecting the plastic trap every day to see if it has captured the snake. When trying to get rid of a snake in your house, it is important to know what kind of snake you’re dealing with.
Snakes like to hide in vegetation, so keeping your yard free of debris will make your yard less appealing to them. Cut any low shrubs or bushes and get rid of potential food sources, like rodents, so that snakes won't be tempted near your home. You can also buy snake-proof fencing for areas where children and pets commonly go. There are some natural products and at home techniques you can use for snake prevention. Soak rags in ammonia and place them in unsealed plastic bags. Leave the bags where you usually see snakes to keep them away.
Similar to garter snakes, these creatures vary in coloring and pattern but often feature a dark body with a lighter underbelly and chin. Rat snakes can swim and climb, so you may see them in trees or bodies of water. While the intention is respectable, it may not be best to have the local fire department or well-intentioned neighbor handle the situation. They’re not usually well trained in what to do with the snake after it’s been captured, and often injure the snakes in the process. Instead of a rattlesnake in the yard, you could end up with an injured, panicked rattlesnake dropped on the other side of your yard, trying to return. As stated previously, if you’ve done your homework, you may already know which species it is (or at least, if it’s dangerous or not).
Ortho Snake B Gon Snake Repellent
Fortunately, these are methods that can also not cause any harm to local wildlife, even the snakes that you probably dislike if you’re reading this article. Along with actions that will keep snakes away come others that will help you along the path of being ok with the ones that show up anyway. For best results, you can also install a 24-inch-high, rigid fence around the yard. The mesh of the fence should be smaller than a quarter of an inch and it is should be buried deep into the ground to prevent the snake from going beneath. Moving objects around will lure the snake out of its hiding, allowing you to capture it.
If expanded to our entire team, that figure is in the thousands. Our records indicate that there is no correlation between spending money on this stuff and seeing fewer snakes in your yard. The best way to keep that from happening is to simply keep absolutely up-to-date on any maintenance issues that pop up. If you see a crack in the foundation, don’t wait, get that fixed immediately. The more time it goes without correction, the more rodents will dig into it, animals will learn to use it, and the more your foundation turns into a welcoming, cool cave.
To keep snakes from finding their way into your garden, you need to pull weeds, remove excess vegetation, and remove any piles of debris that make perfect places for snakes to hide. Keeping your lawn mowed will not only help keep snakes out but will also assist in controlling mice and other pests. Even someone with the worst snake phobia would get tired of reapplying repellent every day. The best snake repellents stay effective for up to a month, although heavy rain will make even the best products dissipate faster. Long-lasting repellency comes from higher concentrations of active ingredients and granular formulations resistant to rain.
Even though mulching and rocks add aesthetic value to your backyard, they attract snakes. They are shy, vicious predators, whether venomous or not, and learning how to avoid snakes in your backyard will save you from the terror of encountering one. One of the most effective ways to get rid of snakes in your yard is by smoking them out. You can do this by lighting a fire, which will force them out of their hiding areas and into plain sight. The strong scent that mothballs produce can be very effective in keeping the snakes away from specific areas.
Smell is the most prominent sense that a snake possesses, and they’ve been known to steer clear of poisonous herbs and plants like garlic and onion in the wild. You can try planting garlic or onions near strategic areas to keep snakes away from your property. Some tips on this list includes using garlic mixes and sealing up cracks to keep snakes out.
If your fence isn’t preventing a snake infestation — or if you don’t have any fence at all — it might be time for an upgrade. The unique physiology of snakes means that you’ll need to seek out fencing materials and employ techniques that can prevent them from just slithering through. The generally recognized height for a fence that will effectively keep snakes away is three feet, and there are two potential choices for materials. Vinyl fencing is a sheer option that snakes can neither climb over nor through, and tight mesh wire can be both effective and cheap as long as it’s positioned at an angle. In either case, you’re going to want to make sure that the fencing itself is buried at least half a foot into the ground.
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